Eminem’s real dad, Marshall Bruce Mathers Jr dies at age 67

Date 2019-06-27

Category Entertainment

Eminem’s biological father, Marshall Bruce Mathers Jr has died at the age of 67, TMZ has reported. He died near Fort Wayne, Indiana, with neighbours blaming heart attack.

Image result for Eminem’s biological father mathers bruce

According to reports, Bruce never met his son whose real name is Marshall Bruce Mathers III. Eminem is now 46 years old.

However, the superstar often rapped about his estranged father in his songs, accusing him of abandoning his family.

Despite never meeting his father, Eminem rapped in songs such as My Name Is and Cleanin’ Out My Closet about the strained relationship he had with his dad.

According to a report by Metro.co.uk, Eminem previously said in interviews he had attempted to contact his father and wrote him letters that came back to him as ‘return to sender’.

As the rapper achieved worldwide fame in 2001, Bruce attempted to reach out to his son via a letter posted in a newspaper, claiming Eminem’s mother Debbie kept their son from him.

That year he told the Mirror: ‘I desperately want to meet my son and tell him that I love him. I’m not interested in his money. I just want to talk to him. I want him to know that I’m here for him if he lets me back into his life.’

Also around that time, Eminem reportedly said of his estranged dad: ‘I don’t know anything about my dad and I don’t care.’

Bruce reportedly married Debbie when he was 22 and she was 15, having Eminem two years later.

(PM News)


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