Date 2017-12-05
Category ARTICLES, Tips & Tricks
If you are among a long list of students who have been wondering why there aren’t any scholarships for students with a degree in lower second class or Third class, keep reading.
Many of these scholarships are often sponsored by organisations or large families in conjunction with the granting universities. Those that offer them usually consider them an investment rather than a gift. It’s no wonder scholarships have very taut strings attached.
Some of the conditions for awarding these scholarships may include some or all of these:
Although finding scholarships that don’t take into account the academic merit of a student requires a lot of effort, it is possible to get scholarships with other considerations. Hence, here are 1o Masters degree scholarships offered annually to students with Lower Second Class or Third class. These scholarships are renewed every year. These scholarships are renewed every year. Therefore if the deadlines are passed, they will be updated in due time. If not, apply soon.
1. Australia Awards Scholarships for 1,000 African Students – with at least 3rd Class
Australia Awards, a cornerstone of the Australian Government’s development assistance program for Africa, provide access to postgraduate education, training and professional development opportunities for suitably qualified Africans from eligible countries. On their return to the workplace, Australia Awards Alumni are expected to contribute actively to development in their home countries.