From Engineering to Gospel: The Untold Story of Aremmic’s Musical Transformation

Date 2024-06-29

Category Gist & Gossip

Aremmic 1

Aremmic 1

Aremmic’s path to becoming a gospel artist wasn’t straightforward, as it took a surprising detour through the world of engineering. Before he was known as Aremmic, the gospel singer with a voice that moves mountains, he was Michael Ajetomobi, a student of Civil Engineering at Covenant University in Nigeria.
Growing up, Aremmic always had a love for music, but like many young people, he was encouraged to pursue a “safe” career where he could find stability in his future. Engineering seemed like a practical choice—a profession that promised stability and success, so he threw himself into his studies, determined to excel.
But while Aremmic worked on equations and building models, his heart was elsewhere. Music was his true passion, and no matter how hard he tried to focus on engineering, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was meant to do something else. Every chance he got, he would retreat to his keyboard, playing and composing songs. And this was proof that music wasn’t just a hobby for him; it was a calling.
As he neared the end of his engineering degree, Aremmic found himself at a crossroads that would affect his future. He could continue down the path of engineering, or he could take a leap of faith and follow his passion for music. That right there wasn’t an easy decision. Leaving behind a stable career for the uncertainties of the music industry was risky. But in the end, his love for gospel music won.
With the final decision to pursue music full-time. Aremmic knew this decision wouldn’t be easy, and that this was what he was meant to do. So he put in the same dedication he had applied to his engineering studies as he threw himself into his music career by practicing tirelessly, writing songs, and performing whenever he could.
The transition wasn’t always smooth as there were moments of doubt, and times when he wondered if he had made the right choice. But with each song he sang, each performance he gave, Aremmic’s confidence grew. He began to realize that his journey—from engineering to gospel—was all part of God’s plan and that the engineering background, which is mainly focused on structure and discipline, helped him approach music with a unique perspective and responsibility.
Today, Aremmic is a gospel artist who touches hearts with his soul-stirring melodies and powerful vocals. His story is an inspiring reminder that it’s never too late to follow your passion. Sometimes, the road to your true calling takes unexpected turns, but in the end, it leads you exactly where you’re meant to be.

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Music Critic, Blogger and Manchester United Fan.


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