Date 2013-11-01
Category Gist & Gossip
Am sure this post will thrill your day, guess what?
you can now ping with your computer lol…
After following this post you will be able to install
BBM on your computer to ping with all your BBM
Basic Requirement to make this happen.
Download Android SDK, you can download: HERE
After downloading it, extract the Android SDK
bundle on your pc
Also Download BBM apk file: HERE
How Can I Set Up BBM For My computer
Go to the extracted adt-bundle folder.
Open SDK Manager.exe
In sdk-manager window select Tools – Manange avds
Create a new Android Virtual Device make sure the
RAM is greater than 512 MB and then start the
Virtual Device which you just created.
Now Copy the downloaded BBM.apk file to this
Extracted Folder : /sdk/platform-tools/such that the file should be :/sdk/platform-tools/
Now move to the folder /sdk/platform-tools/ using
file explorer.
Select File-Open Command Prompt within the
platform-tools folder.
Enter this command in the command prompt (adb
install BBM.apk) without the bracket
Wait for some mins for BBM to be installed in your
Virtual Device . Open the BBM
app from the App launcher, and enjoy pinging on
your computer.
Hope you like it…please use the share button to
share this post to all your friends.