How Growing Up in a Christian Household Shaped My Musical Path – Aremmic

Date 2023-10-10

Category Gist & Gossip

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For gospel artist Aremmic, born Michael Ajetomobi, music was not just a hobby—it was a calling deeply rooted in the Christian values he grew up with. Raised in a devout Christian household in Kaduna, Nigeria, Aremmic’s musical journey began under the guidance of his father, a choir director. Today, the 31-year-old artist continues to draw from those early influences as he shares his soul-stirring melodies with the world.

“Growing up in a Christian home shaped everything about my music,” Aremmic shares. “My father’s passion for choir music inspired me, and I was always surrounded by the sounds of worship. That’s where my love for music blossomed.”

As the youngest of four siblings, Aremmic recalls how his early exposure to music in the church laid the foundation for his musical path. From an early age, he was encouraged to explore various instruments, starting with the conga drums before evolving into a versatile musician who now plays the keyboard and guitar.

“I remember being fascinated by the rhythm of the drums in church,” he reflects. “That was my first introduction to music. Over time, I started experimenting with different instruments, and that’s where my passion for creating music grew.”

Aremmic’s teenage years marked a turning point in his musical journey. After moving to Ibadan, Nigeria, he joined the choir at his school, Thomas Adewumi College, where his unique vocal talent began to shine. It was here that he began to refine his voice, encouraged by his peers and teachers who recognized the depth and timbre of his singing.
“Being part of the choir was a transformative experience for me,” Aremmic says. “It helped me realize that music wasn’t just a hobby, but something I wanted to pursue professionally. My faith was at the center of it all, guiding me every step of the way.”

Following his time at Thomas Adewumi College, Aremmic went on to study Civil Engineering at Covenant University in Ota, Nigeria. Even during his collegiate years, he remained deeply involved in music, becoming a dedicated member of the university choir. His participation in worship services and musical events at the university strengthened his passion for gospel music.

After graduating in 2014, Aremmic faced a pivotal decision—whether to continue with his civil engineering career or pursue his true passion for music. Choosing the latter, he began his journey as a professional gospel artist, drawing heavily from his Christian upbringing to shape his sound and message.

“My faith has always been my compass,” he explains. “I knew I was meant to share the gospel through music, and growing up in a Christian household taught me that worship is not just about singing—it’s about connecting people to God.”

“Worship is the heart of my music,” Aremmic says. “I want my fans to feel God’s presence when they listen to my songs. It’s about giving people hope, reminding them that they’re not alone, and encouraging them to hold on to their faith.”

Now residing in the United States, Aremmic continues to build on the foundation laid during his childhood, creating music that resonates with listeners around the world. As he prepares for upcoming releases, including new singles, he remains committed to his mission of using music to inspire faith and worship.

Reflecting on his journey, Aremmic credits his upbringing for shaping the artist and worship leader he is today. “I’m grateful for the way I was raised. Growing up in a Christian household wasn’t just about learning the Bible—it was about experiencing God’s love through music. That’s something I carry with me in every song I write and every performance I give.”

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