Kendall Jenner reveals why she loves going Braless

Date 2016-07-27

Category Gist & Gossip

Kendall Jenner took to her paid app and website today to talk about how much she actually loves her Brea5ts and insist that she doesn’t mind showing a little N!ppl3, either.


She said in a post titled Free the N!ppl3, she said:

“I really don’t see what the big deal is with going braless!’ ‘I think it’s cool and I really just don’t care! It’s S3xy, it’s comfortable and I’m cool with my Brea5ts. That’s it!’ ‘It’s also a fun way to show off my different N!ppl3 rings!”

‘Jacquie Aiche made me a couple of pieces that are really sick — like a pair of angel wings.’

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