Mark Zuckerberg Reveals How He Feels About Religion And Atheism

Date 2016-12-26

Category Entertainment, Gist & Gossip

I stalk Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook since he usaully replies comments himself.


Today, he was wishing people Merry Christmas, and people started asking him various personal questions. Below are some of the top questions and the answers he gave.

Q: Damn, I love the fact that the owner of Facebook does actually replies to people who use Facebook.
MZ: Well, I love talking to people in our community.
Q: You forgot Jarvis, I thought he was part of the family.
MZ: Not a full member yet, one day perhaps we will include our Als.

Q: But why Facebook doesn’t notify that it’s Jesus birthday today??
MZ: You aren’t friends with Jesus on Facebook?

Q: But aren’t you atheist?
MZ: No. I was raised jewish and then I went through a period where I questioned things, but now I believe religion is very important.



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