#IYAC2017 – Youth Alive Convention 2017 (Message – Day 1 – Evening)

Date 2017-08-02



Message by Pastor David Oyedepo (Jnr)

Title: Gateways to Your Enthronement

By design, the topmost top is our portion in Christ
You are not designed by God to be a lonely creature
Deuteronomy 38:14

Romans 8:29/30
You are not expected by God to be a victim of disgrace

Romans 12:2
Until there is a renewal of your mind by the discovery of your position in Christ, you might never revolve

2 Corinthians 3:18
The more you discover, the more is seen about you
Until you discover, men cannot discover you

There must be an adventure in discovery of destiny for destiny to be recovered

You have a designed destiny by God that is packaged for Glory, the Top….

Early discovery of your pathway to the top is what brings about the maximization of Your destiny

Ecclesiastics 10:15
Where there is no discovery, there will be frustration


What the Bible say about you by Redemption

1. You must realise your enthronement is not negotiable. Revelation 5:9-10
(He has already Made Us), Your Enthronement is a concluded matter and satan has no say in it.

2. You were handpicked by God for enthronement
1 Peter 2:9 (God had choices but He Chose You)
God did not lack options when he chose You.


You have a responsibility to press towards the fulfilment of destiny…..

Philippians 2:3/10-14
Until responsibility is taken, ruler ship is not attained
Deuteronomy 2:24

God Has Finished His Part, You and I must take Ours
The coronation and settlement of our ruler ship is dependent on us

Therefore, we are Understudying;
Engaging the Power of Vision

Jeremiah 1:5
There is no accidental person upon the earth, you are no a mistake, it doesn’t matter what your background looks like, no matter the circumstances surrounding..
Your situation & circumstance is a disguise.

You were given a purpose, an assignment before you came, your purpose has to be discovered for your being here to be meaningful.

Proverbs 29:18, Acts 2:2 , Joel 2:3-8
Hebrews 12:1,

When you discover your purpose, you recover your potential.


What is Vision?

1. Vision is the unfolding of a divine plan and purpose for your life. Jeremiah 29:11.

– The opening of our eyes to divine plan
Every manufacturer designs products for purpose, every man was made for God, and we have the discover it.
Ephesians 1:17-18, 2 Corinthians 3:18.

2. Vision is the discovery of the reason why you were born. Jeremiah 1:5.

– Vision is all about finding the plan of God for You.


How do I locate My Vision for Enthronement?
How can I Find/ Discover my Vision?

1. Seek God in Prayers. James 1:5, Daniel 2:19
Never be satisfied with making a living, passionately pursue purpose. Jeremiah 29:11-13, Jeremiah 33:3
Purpose is what gives direction to life.

Ask Sincerely. Those who go to God with an answer will never get one from Him, God only answers those who ask for answers sincerely. Mathew 7:7-8.

2. Be Watchful. (Watch and Pray) Mathew 26:41.
Habakkuk 1:1-3.

3. Be Sensitive. God can speak at anytime, God is always speaking. Revelation 1:10-11.

4. Create an Atmosphere of Worship – 2 Kings 3:15-17.
When you create an Atmosphere for God, you amplify the Voice of God.
Wherever Gods atmosphere is, His arrival is inevitable..

5. Be Spiritual. (No canal man is permitted to receive the things of the Spirit of God)
1 Corinthians 2:14 – watch whatever stains you, it will hinder your capacity to hear from God – Isaiah 59:2
2 Corinthians 7:1-2.


God is Not Slow

Proverbs 31:4-5
Anyhow, a careless lifestyle is not for kings.
Enthronement is guided by rules, you don’t ascend by wishing.

John Newton
‘As a bright day shows from the morning, so does a child shows a man’

20 friends can’t play for 20 years…
A king won’t dress like rubbish in public, speaks carefully in public.

Only Strong people do exploits,
When you embrace weakness, it generates sickness.

Day One, Evening Session (1/8/2017)
International Youth Alive Convention 2017
As Transcribed by
Akonedo Jeffrey
ICT Unit Leader, @Yafuwasota, Edo State

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