The Top 10 Reasons To Stop Watching P0rnography TODAY

Date 2016-05-11


7) You will find women more attractive

I think the greatest gift of living a P0rn free is how you start to perceive women around you. After months free of P0rn, your attraction to women will go through the roof. It is truly remarkable.

– Just the sight of a woman’s skin will turn you on

Being free of P0rn you start to really appreciate the beauty of women. Just the sight of a woman’s skin, or her smell will be enough to throw your attraction into overdrive. Your S3xual instincts will be back where they are supposed to be, and you will crave women like never before.

– You will start to notice women you once found unattractive

Women that once were not up to your P0rn standards really start to pop out at you. You will start to see the beauty in women that you once overlooked because they did not have the bodies of P0rn stars. I find myself more and more surprised at some of the women I find attractive and for what reasons. Its is really a beautiful thing.


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