5 ways to Attract Unique Visitors to Your Online Store

Date 2014-10-08

Category Tips & Tricks


In today’s world of Commerce basically anything and everything can be sold over the Internet. – One of the advantages of starting an online store is that very little start-up capital is needed.

It is one thing to have an online store and it is another to attract visitors to your online store. When it comes to attracting visitors to an online store, here are 5 things one should consider.

1. Good Design and Easy to Navigate website.

You want whoever visiting your online store should find the information they are looking for in one piece. Having an easy to navigate website with good and eye catching design will certainly attract visitors. A search box should be placed in your store homepage so visitors can search the products they are looking for. Also the availability for a mobile version of your store is important.

2. Get Active on the Social Networks

Like it or not, your customers are on social networks. You need to let people know exactly what kind of online store you have. Joining social networks like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and twitter will go a long way in helping you get the visitors you ever wanted, so long you are clear with your goals.

3. Search Engine Optimizer

Do you know you can actually pull tons of visitors to your online store from search engines like Google? These days, search engines are the first place most people look when searching for a particular product online. Consequently, it’s also the first place to find new customers online. So it’s worth investing some time in learning about search engine optimization.

4. Rewards

Another excellent way to attract visitors to your online store is through rewards. Whenever someone visits your website there is a probability that if they don’t find the product they are looking for, they mind end up going away and never coming back. Use the reward tactics, Make it known to your visitors that you do an affiliate program were they can promote your store products and get commissions. Doing just this act is attracting more visitors, as those that opt into your affiliate program are spreading news about your online store. Another reward tactics is coupon code, providing a discount on prices of your products.

5. Remember existing customers

Once you are up and running, remember that existing customers are your best customers. Make sure that you encourage them to return by making special offers and letting them know what you are doing at your online store. For as long your existence customers are happy, they are sources to potential visitors that can become your customers also.

This is just a few out of several ways to attract visitor to your online store. What other ways do you think will attract visitors to an online store? Use the comment section below and lets benefit from suggestions




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