Bez Idakula officially drops his ”The Light” album

Date 2019-07-28

Category Music Albums

Singing sensation Bez Idakula popular as Bez premieres a captivating new album to his fans and music lovers worldwide.

The album titled “The Light”, has got the songwriter talking:


So it’s been a while and hopefully this will be the end of my long silence. It’s the last weekend in July, and we’re so excited to bless you with a gift. I’ve been working on this body of work for over a year and I’m happy to let you know that my third album THE LIGHT is available for your streaming pleasure.

I made this specially for you and I know that you would love the way it makes you feel. Don’t take my word for it, go right ahead and click and experience the vibe!!!!!!

Have a great weekend and please do share with friends and loved ones.Love and Light.
Bez Idakula.

PS: We have so many things planned for the year, and we’ll let you know as soon as we confirm dates.

I moved to Lagos in 2007 to pursue a music career. It was a foreign land for me and I had no idea what to do. My sister Lyd had started an open mic night of art expressions called TARUWA. I walked in with my guitar and played there every 2 weeks for 3 years, playing my songs and being a back up guitarist for many names you know now. That was the beginning of the journey.

I met Cobhams and we did amazing things with ‘Super Sun’, the first Nigerian acts to play at SXSW, first African to premiere a video on BET, toured the US, UK, Africa, talks at Harvard, Columbia Uni, endorsements, like I could go on.

BUT you see, that was all for me, the focus was 100% on me and how to make a name as a global star and tour the world. That’s great, but It just wasn’t enough.

I recorded “Gbagyi Child” in 2013 but it took 3 years to release it. I had moved on from the music cos it didn’t connect with me. Opportunities dwindled, things became hazy, music became a job and that chase drained me, I was not inspired and I questioned the zeal to be and strive for more. People started to ask “Is Bez still doing music? Where is he?” .

Last year I left Nigeria for 2 months and I had an Epiphany. I realized that this journey was never just about me, but much more about others. This Bible verse haunted me “ Each of you should look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others”. Ha!! .

I realized that the success of other people are tied to me. If I fail to reach the peak of my potential, I will deny many that would have come up through me. This changed my life, and I saw things differently.

I am THE LIGHT of the WORLD, a city set on a hill can never be hidden. You don’t Light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand so that it gives light to all “ .

So after more than 10 years in this amazing journey, a new chapter for global impact has been unleashed in me yo. This is my most impactful album project yet and this is for you, you will absolutely love it! I am so excited to share my heart with you through this album.

Welcome to a new world of greatness, and I hope this will be an inspiration for you to be THE LIGHT.




(PM News)

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