“It’s More Than Just a Song, It’s a Sacred Connection” – Aremmic

Date 2023-11-29

Category Upcoming Artists



Renowned gospel artist Aremmic has long been a voice of worship in the Nigerian gospel scene, and for him, the power of worship through music goes beyond mere melody. As someone who has spent years leading others in worship, he believes that music can transcend the ordinary and usher people into a deeper, more sacred connection with God.

“Worship through music is not just about hitting the right notes or singing the perfect song,” Aremmic shares. “It’s about creating a moment where people can lay everything down and meet with God. It’s a language of the soul, a conversation between you and the Almighty.”

In a time when virtual worship services have become increasingly common, Aremmic emphasizes the irreplaceable value of gathered, in-person worship. Citing the Bible’s command for believers to assemble for worship (Hebrews 10:24-25), he stresses that while online services have their place, they cannot replace the communal experience of worshiping together.

“There’s something powerful that happens when believers gather in one place to worship,” Aremmic explains. “It’s not just about the music; it’s about the fellowship, the shared experience of coming together as one body in Christ. You can feel the Spirit moving in ways that are different from when you’re worshiping alone. The Bible calls us to gather because God knows how much we need each other.”

Aremmic’s commitment to fostering these spiritual encounters is evident in his music and performances. His songs, like Overflow and Raise A Sound, are carefully crafted to inspire listeners and lead them into a place of intimate worship. Whether in a large concert hall or a small church setting, he aims to create an atmosphere where people can feel God’s presence.

“I believe music is one of the most powerful tools for worship,” Aremmic continues. “It can break down barriers, heal hearts, and draw people closer to God. Every time I sing, I’m reminded of the privilege it is to lead others into His presence. Worship is not optional—it’s essential for our walk with Christ.”

With the rise of online services, many have questioned whether in-person worship is still necessary. Aremmic’s perspective aligns with a traditional understanding of gathered worship, firmly rooted in biblical teachings. He points to passages like Acts 2:42 and Ephesians 4:11-16, which underscore the importance of assembling with other believers under the guidance of qualified spiritual leaders.

“For me, worship isn’t just an individual act. It’s something we do as a community of believers,” he says. “When we gather in person, we’re fulfilling God’s command to come together, support one another, and grow in our faith. It’s a nonnegotiable part of our Christian walk.”

As he continues to minister through his music, Aremmic hopes to remind others of the importance of both personal and corporate worship. In his view, while online services can supplement our spiritual growth, they should never replace the sacred act of gathering as one body of believers.

“God moves in powerful ways when we come together,” Aremmic concludes. “I’ve seen lives changed, hearts healed, and burdens lifted through worship in community. That’s why I’m passionate about what I do—because worship through music is one of the greatest ways we can experience the fullness of God’s love and grace.”

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Music Critic, Blogger and Manchester United Fan.


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