Nigerian Artist gets recognised and contracted by Kevin Hart via Twitter

Date 2019-02-28

Category Gist & Gossip

It has often been said that the gift of a person makes a way. This belief has always proven to be true in many situations and the case of Eli Waduba is no difference. Eli is a young, talented Nigerian who hails from Kaduna. This youth specialises in the art of drawing hyper-realistic paintings which have been regarded over time as world class.

With all his talent and prowess in making exquisite paintings, Eli has never so much been recognised but all this changed when he drew a hyper-realistic portrait of American actor and comedian Kevin Hart.

Like he would normally have done, the young Eli shared the beautiful painting of the actor across his social media platforms. Then he asked others to help retweet so that the Hollywood act could see it and probably appreciate his handiwork.

Image result for nigerian drew paint kevin hart twitter

Seeing the artistic beauty for what it was, many people took to sharing the portrait and calling the actor’s attention to it till finally, he saw it. After seeing it, Kevin Hart did not just acknowledge the portrait with a slight nod, he was totally wowed by the work of art.

See Eli Maduba and his painting of Kevin Hart in this post:

Given the fact that he was totally impressed by Eli’s hyper-realistic painting of him, Kevin took to his Twitter page to gush over the portrait in several tweets.

See them below

But he did more than gush over the painting, he decided to reward Eli for it. In a tweet to the young artist from Kaduna, Kevin promised to pay for the portrait once it was delivered to him. Then he also said he would contact the boy with a job to draw three other celebrities which he would be paid for!

See his tweet below:

In truth and indeed, hard work pays! Recently, a talented Nigerian man named Kingsley Ayogu went viral after sharing his work of art on social media.



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