10 Important Things To Know Before Getting Married |
Respect is more important than love. Not that love is not important. But there are many cases where couples choose to stay together even though the love had died long before. Sometimes to support their children till they grow up, or to attain financial security. In contrary, once you lose the respect to your partner, you won’t be able to coexist. You can revive lost love, but disrespect is irreparable.
• Fancy the eyes: If you decided to fall in love with the looks, make sure to fall for the eyes, because they never age. The handsome guy that you know today, in few years’ time, will have a muffin-top belly and thinning hair and the stunning beauty that you adore now will have wrinkled face and sagged posture. Remember, the eyes are the window of the soul. You will see your partner’s passion, joy and longing through them no matter how old they are.