5 Crazy Stuffs Ladies Do All Because Of Love

Date 2015-12-31


3. Social Media Stalking

The internet can be ascribed to be a crazy and deceptive place. Some women and men are fully participatory in these deceptive processes which tends to backfire at some point in time. Scorned lovers abound on the internet stalking their ex partners. That of women is more serious because when they are in love, they tend to go after all the social media handles of their partners from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram to Snapchat. Their stalking mode is majorly borne out of love even though some may end up taking it overboard.

4. S3x

When women are in love, they tend to have some sort of severe need for S3x that may make you think she’s a nymphomaniac. The honest truth is you should never see her as such for wanting to always have a piece of you as doing so only shows your double standard. The fact remains that if situations were reversed, you’d probably do worse than she’s doing and because she wants to have more S3x than she normally does, shouldn’t make you belittle her. Moreover, it would be stupid to tell her you find her S3xual desire atrocious as that only portrays you as a weakling not to talk of spoiling the game for the rest of the male folk.

5. Breaking Stuff

OK. This is bad to say the least but some women do this because they have no other way of expressing their anger and need for your love. They need your trust and acceptance before they can comprehend any conflict that may arise between the both of you. This may make them lash out at inanimate things which they tend to regret later on.

Acting in any of these ways is toxic not only to the woman but to the man, the relationship and the society. These actions may stem from true love but should never be taken to the extremes.

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