Do these things if you love your Pen!s

Date 2016-05-16


Penises are at the centre of the lives of around 50% of the population – but it turns out their owners often end up treating them pretty badly. Healthy living for the love muscle isn’t always obvious, but don’t panic about your precious piece.


In fact, once you find that things which you actively love doing are just no friend to what’s down below, it’ll be easy to be a little more thoughtful. So before you do any lasting damage, you have a read of what your manhood wants you to stop doing. 

1. Alone Time
For the record, touching yourself too much doesn’t cause blindness, insanity, or acne and won’t make hair grow on your palms, says the NHS . But they point out that if men do it a lot in a short space of time, they can get a slightly alarming looking swelling of the penis, called oedema, caused by fluid in the tissues. Don’t fret – the swelling does disappear within a day or two.

2. Drunk Up
Too much alcohol isn’t just going to give you a headache up top. It can also lead to erectile dysfunction down below. The dehydration associated with drinking causes less blood volume and a rise in angiotensin, which can stop your ability to perform in its tracks.

3. Smoke Break
National Male Medical Clinics say that the toxic chemicals are another factor which could lead to erectile dysfunction. It’s also been blamed for damaging penile tissues, which could affect its effectiveness in future.

4. Food
Penis size is related to obesity along with eating unhealthy foods – think about that next time you decide on a fast food binge. In some cases, abdominal fat all but buries the penis, Obsity has also been linked to lack of S3xual stamina, S3xual dysfunction and hormonal imbalance.

5. Lack of Attention
Erections should be a feature of every day activity, so the shape of the member is kept. It has to be essentially exercised. If they don’t do anything to maintain normal erections, they will get shortening of the penis.”  


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