NGO offers free medical care to Gishiri kids for Children’s Day

Date 2019-05-27

Category Food & Health

Mariecare Initiative, an NGO, has offered free medical services to children of Gishiri community, a suburb of the FCT, to commemorate the 2019 Children’s Day celebration.

Mariecare initiative logo

Miss Marie Onen, founder of the organisation said on Saturday that the organisation was moved by the drive to reach out to the less privileged children in the society who had various health challenges.

She said that project F-Medi was celebrating the 2019 Children’s Day with a view to reaching out to more than 2000 children with free medical services.

“This is the second phase of this project, we have done one before and we did a lot of screening on the first phase such as malaria, HIV and AIDS test, we are driven by a genuine commitment to this project.

“We want to ensure that the less fortunate children and women are being taken care of and given adequate attention through our programme.”

She urged Nigerians, particularly mothers and children to ensure they took good care of their health.

Mr Sunday Enejoh, a doctor from the Gwagwalada Specialist Hospital, who worked in partnership with the organisation said that the medical outreach had been able to attend to so many health challenges such as malaria and typhoid fever.

According to Enejoh, the children present at the outreach including their mothers are responding to treatment.

He said that the team of the medical doctors for the outreach had  discovered so many cases particularly malaria.

He said that the high rate of malaria among the women and children was an indication they were not being taken care of  medically.

Mrs Favour Sunday and Mrs Blessing Nuhu, who some of their children benefited from the medical outreach, thanked the organiser of the programme and called on Nigerians to emulate the kind of gesture.


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Editor, Digital Marketer & Sports fanatic. I sell cars and also have a farm. Big lover of nature.


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