Public nudity: Police SCID questions Tekno & video producer in panti

Date 2019-08-07

Category Gist & Gossip

Augustine Kelechi popularly known as Tekno and his video producer, Lawal Tijani, are currently at the State Criminal Investigation Department, Panti, Lagos, facing questions from the police over an indecent act that showed four half-n*ked strippers dancing seductively with Tekno in a display van in traffic around the Lekki-Ikoyi link bridge last Friday night.

Image result for Tekno police strippers lekki

The video clip, which had gone viral on social media, was said to be part of a scene from Tekno’s unreleased video, titled Agege, featuring musician, Zlatan Ibile.

The owner of the display truck was also in police custody. The girls have been unreachable on phone, but a police source says they would be invited soon as they can be contacted.

  • Punch Nigeria
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