Samsung working on a Phone with three-sided screen

Date 2013-11-15

Category Gist & Gossip, Tips & Tricks

Bloomberg has reaveled that Samsung might launch a different kind of  handset entirely  — one with a “three-sided” screen, with the recent introduction of the LG G FLEX and the  Samsung GalaxyRound, we wont be too surprised to see this trend continue . Citing “people familiar with the plans,” the outlet says the screen would extend all the way around the phone’s sides, allowing users to view messages from an angle, with each side of the display operating “independently.”

The device may form part of the already popular  Galaxy S or Galaxy Note line, or it may be the first in a new line of products, according to Bloomberg. The new “three-sided” device will apparently use an upgraded version of Samsung’s Yuom technology, which is utilized in the Galaxy Round’s curved SuperAMOLED screen.

However it’s unlikely we’ll get our first glimpse of this new handset anytime soon, with one source reportedly saying to expect a launch sometime in the second half of 2014.


Source: BloomBerg


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