Unbelievable: Charly Boy’s wife exposed long kept family secret

Date 2016-05-21

Category Gist & Gossip

Just few days after controversial Nigerian music artist and socialite, Charly Boy revealed how he met with Jesus Christ in February 2016, his wife Diane Oputa has come out to expose her husband disclosingthat he already had seven children before they got married.


In an interview with social media guru Babalola Osogbiye, Charly Boy’s wife opened up on they have been able to pull through 38 years without being a subject of media, her opinion on why celebrities marriage have short life span and much more.

Read excerpts of the interview below:

What has been the hard part of your union?

In the beginning it was the women, my gosh women everywhere. Charles is a charmer. He had seven kids from his away matches and the women he married that didn’t work out, before we got married. His stubbornness was sometimes obnoxious. During his hay days as a performer, his acts were sometimes so overboard that I will refuse doing his background vocals and we always argued/quarreled about that. But as the years rolled by I found ways of calming him down, and curing my high blood pressure. I later found out that the women were more for his hypes and pons, like the charly’s virgins. One thing I knew from the beginning was that my husband always wanted to be a family man, after all he grew up seeing both parents together for sixty something years before papa passed on. Much later the women thing totally fizzled out.

In the beginning I wasn’t too sure how to deal with all his children from different women, but trust Charles he knows how to put his family together. That’s how I overnight became a mother of 9 children plus my last three. The only thing that he still does that pisses me off till tomorrow is his silence, when he is angry about something. He will lock himself in his room and may not talk to me for days. I can’t deal with that because we talk all the time our communication is on point. He always says he doesn’t want to say the wrong things when he is angry. Otherwise, Charles is the best thing to happen to me and I thank God for that.


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