Shiloh 2018 (Dominion): Full Message in Text (Impartation Service)

Date 2018-12-16


Dr. David Oyedepo

Ezekiel 37:12, Psalm 119:, Isaiah 30:21, Ephesians 4:12-13

Spend time in or desperation for brighter light and deeper insight so as to have your spiritual life growing

Isaiah 60:3/60:22, Ecclesiastes 11:7, Daniel 9:2, Mathew 6:33

Light is sweet so get those books that will illuminate you to get those agenda done in your life.

Proverbs 20:22

Get committed to being a blessing and you shall never run out of blessing.

. The Unlimited Power of Faith

. Understanding the Power of Faith

Manifestation of Spirit of Dominion in the Old Testament

1. Moses laid His hands on Joshua, Deuteronomy 34:9

Dominion is having it the way you want it always, having a final say on all the issues regarding your life.

2. Elijah held a nation to a stand still | 2 Kings 1:10-13

Zechariah 2:5

2 Kings 2:15

3. Kaleb , Numbers 14:24, Joshua 14:11

Isaiah 9:6,

The Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of Dominion

Romans 8:9-11

1 Peter 4:10-11

Isaiah 42:1, John 4:22

Isaiah 45:1-3

Manifestations of Christ the Anointed one on Earth.

Isaiah 61:1, Luke 4:18, Isaiah 61:1-3

It’s our right in Christ ti rebuke the devastation in the world that we live in, the spirit of dominion adds value…

Luke 61:7

The Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of Dominion

Isaiah 63:4

Luke 18:8

The main Avenue for this Impartation is the Word

John 6:63

His spirit enters us by His Word

Ezekiel 2:2

The Spirit enters you and destroys your doubt.

The spirit of Christ is the Spirit of dominion and the spirit of love

1 John 4:16, John 14:9, John 11:36

1 Kings 3:3, 1 Kings 4:29,

The love for God is a Giving love, Jesus gave and gave and gave His Life.

John 10:18, 2 Corinthians 8:3, John 6:5

Every giving life is a blessed life, an abundant life.

Dominion Mystery of Love

Psalm 66:7

Sacrificial givings guarantees the meeting of all your needs,

Philippians 4:16-18

A sacrifice, well pleasing and acceptable to God, Philippians 4:19

Psalm 20:3

Every sacrificial giver has a defence over His life

Psalm 41:2-3

Psalm 112:, John 14:21, John 6:30, Philippians 2:9, Ezekiel 36:27

The Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of Faith

Mark 9:29, John 11:40,

Isaiah 11:1-3

Revelation 3:1/5:6/4:5/

Jesus is the carrier of the Spirit of Love as Said in Prophesy…

Isaiah 11:9

Isaiah 11:3

Grounds being accezzd to the light ofigjt

John 9:5

John 12:23

John 1:1-14

Everyrbing you find in n revekatiibzjds


ILuke 19:17/13

Impartation requires that you must be first born again, you can’t access the provisions of the kingdom of God until you’re born again

Whatever you can’t speak boldly, you have not believed truly.

Genesis 1:26

Revelation 5:9-10

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Creative Executioner! I take ideas from the subliminal to execution in the physical.


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