#Shiloh2017: A New Dawn – Day 5 Impartation Sermon [Full-Text]

Date 2017-12-09


​Ministering: Dr. David Oyedepo

Message: Unlocking Our New Dawn Heritage In Christ (4)

Ephesians 1:3
3 Vital Mysteries that will Establish Your Place in this New Dawn Era

Luke 5:17

Thanksgiving is the conclusion of every encounter with God.

We Give Thanks To Preserve, Perfect and Multiply the Blessings. John 6:11

Thank To Secure, Preserve, Multiply and Perfect His Help.

The Anointing is one of the Mysteries of the kingdom that empowers us to take our place in Destiny.

Exodus 30:23-31, 1 Samuel 16,17,18:5,15,30, Mark 6:7,12-13, Isaiah 10:25.
There is no idle statement in scriptures…

1. What is in the Oil? The Healing Power of God, Mark 6:12-13, James 5:14-15.

2. What is in the Oil?  The breakthrough Power of God, 1 Samuel 17:37.

3. What is in the Oil? The Protection Power of God, Psalm 105:13-15, Galatians 6:17, Ezekiel 9:6.

It is Foolishness to be Shameful of what is Gainful.
The Mystery of the Prophetic Mantle.. 

Mystery 1. What is in the Mantle? It is a Carrier of the Overflow Anointing of the Prophet, Psalm 45:5-8, Mark 5:25-29, Mathew 4:36, Luke 8:42-36. 

What is in the Mantle? Psalm 133:1.


How do we tap into it? 

1. Believe in the Revelation of the Prophetic Mantle Hebrew 4:2

2. Believe in the Ministry of the Prophet/Person
Mystery 2. The Mantle is a Spiritual Medium for Duplication and Multiplication of Grace upon the prophet

Luke 4:25-27, Malachi 3:6, Mathew 10:8, Proverbs 27:19

Encounters deliver Primarily on Faith, Acts 19:11.

Mystery 3. God is restoring fatherhood to the body, Malachi 4:5-6, Psalm 145:4, 2 Kings 5:20. It is Fatherhood that entitles you to the spiritual DNA of your prophets // prophets are ordained as fathers to whom they are sent, 2 Kings 6:21, Numbers 11:17

God is the Umpire of Transference of Persons and He’s no respected of persons

Numbers 11:25
How to Enjoy? 

1. Receive His Person

2. Believe in  Ministry

3. Crave for what He Carries

4. Honour Him In your Heart

5. And Begin to Enjoy the Flow
Exodus 33:11, Hebrews 7:7.

Son-ship changes you, it doesn’t change the father…

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