#20WomenReveal: What Women Secretly Want in Bed | Expo Inside

Date 2016-03-18

Category ARTICLES, Tips & Tricks

What Women Secretly Want in Bed
“Here’s what she’s been too shy to tell you. You may be pleasantly surprised at what she wants to try”

Most of us feel more awkward talking about S3x than we do actually having it. In fact, many couples avoid the subject, says Kristen Mark, Ph.D., a S3x researcher at the University of Kentucky. And as a result, you may have no idea what the person you’re sleeping with really wants—ordoesn’t want—in the sack.

To help you both out, we asked 20 women what they secretly crave in bed. Keep these requests in mind—you may find it’s what your partner desires, too.

Don’t be so polite
Spank her. Tie her up. Pin her against the wall. Several of the women we polled privately wish for rougher S3x.

“I want my husband to be more aggressive!” says one wife. “I’m not talking whips, chains, and 50 Shades, but a little rougher and more domineering.”

Some women fantasize about relinquishing control because they’re in charge all day long, says Arlene Goldman, Ph.D., a licensed psychologist and S3x therapist in Philadelphia and author of The Secrets of S3xual Ecstasy. “Letting go and not making the decisions can be a turn-on,” she says.

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